Why choose to work with us?

29 April 2023
Why choose to work with us?

- Several years of experience in the market of the Western Algarve


- Know How


- Track record of professionalism, competence and ethics


- Personalized and very incisive marketing plan


- Excellent relations with most of the real estate agencies of the Western Algarve so that your property can be sold in a shorter time through a fair partnership business. (50%/50% for each agency)


- A database with a high number of potential buyers already well identified with financial capacity and / or pre-approved credit for the purchase of property.


- Photo and Video quality reportage.


- Market study (at no cost to you), to identify the properties that are in direct competition with yours and determine the correct value of your property in the current market.

(The decision on the price will obviously always be yours, but we will give our advice and receive a lot of information about the market, so you can make the best possible decision)


- Good command of English and German


- An extensive network of partners of proven quality in previous experiences to complement the service provided to both Owners and Buyers. (Lawyers/Solicitors/Credit Mediators/Accountants/Financial Advisors/Architects/Engineers/Surveyors/Contractors, etc.)


- Finally...A great pleasure in helping you fulfill your goal of buying or selling your home!

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