Home Staging

29 April 2023
Home Staging

It always makes sense to prepare a property to present it to the market in the best possible way, removing certain more personal objects and eliminating or adjusting less positive points that can drive away potential buyers and remove value / negotiation margin to your home. Sometimes it pays to make a small investment before putting your property on the market.

Before we put your home on the market, we will discuss these points so that your home is as appealing as possible, to please as many buyers as possible.

In some cases it will even make sense to go a little further and invest in a differentiated service that can bring you a very significant return... without having to "rob the Bank"! 

The Home Staging technique is used, with very positive results for several decades in the USA and Canada, very developed and sophisticated real estate markets.

This technique consists of staging the property, with reduced investment, giving a certain environment of comfort and elegance to the property, making it very appealing, triggering certain mental triggers in the potential buyer, through certain objects, colors and props. The perception changes, making it easier for the buyer to imagine him self living in the property.

This technique can help you sell your home for significantly higher values.


If it makes sense for you this way of preparing the house before putting it on the market, so that it has a different aspect in relation to the properties that will be in direct competition, do not hesitate to get in touch to know your property and define with you the best strategy for your circumstance to enhance your home to the fullest! 



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